How Burien’s Economic Development Team Supports the Community

The City of Burien’s economic development team is focused on holistic economic development - growing the economy in ways that benefit everyone. The city has a history of success in establishing public-private partnerships and securing significant investment in areas like Burien’s town center. In addition, the economic development team also provides the following services:

assistance icon

Business Assistance

Providing customized or policy solutions to meet the needs of Burien businesses to help them grow here.

site selection iconSite Selection Assistance

While working with a real estate broker is always encouraged, the city can help connect businesses to locations that meet their criteria and meet city zoning requirements. Our economic development team also works closely with brokers who are trying to identify properties that meet their clients' needs. 

attraction iconBusiness Development Attraction

Filling vacant spaces, increasing employment opportunities, and encouraging investment in Burien is central to our economic development mission.

tourisom iconTourism/Visitor Promotion

The city works with Discover Burien to promote policies that create tourism opportunities. Burien benefits from close proximity to the airport and tourism can be used to strengthen our small businesses.

community iconCommunity Events

By partnering with local community groups to put on events that engage the community, we are benefitting small businesses.




“People from the City walk into my business and offer to help. Discover Burien is also good support. I know that I have people who can help my business if I need it."

— Alfredo Covarrubias, Owner of ISP Computer