Burien, WA Demographic Data: Get Your Free Report
19 Jan 2023
Burien demographic data can be obtained on our website. The Community Profile tool presents demographic information in an easy-to-read infographic format. To dive deeper into the data you are most interested in, simply click on that section to have a spreadsheet open up.
Burien, WA Demographics Report
The Choose Burien website presents updated demographic data that is pulled from the census reports and updated annually by Esri. You can download Burien’s demographic report by clicking the button “Add to Report” at the bottom of this page. To get detailed information beyond what is presented in the community profile view, click the “See the Data” button. It will open up a new page with further details. To download that report, go to the bottom of the page and click “Add to Report.” When you are done adding all of the relevant demographic pages to the report, click “View Custom Report” and either print, save or email Burien’s demographic report to the interested party.
“Our community profile tools make it easy for site consultants and business executives to view Burien’s demographic data and share it with other key decision makers,” said Chris Craig, Economic Development Manager for the City of Burien. “Lorraine Chachere and I are also here to answer questions and put the demographic information in context. For example, people may not realize that Burien businesses pull customers from a larger area and that we are a retail destination for people living in neighboring cities like Normandy Park.”
Email Chris Craig for more information on the City of Burien.